Service Design
"No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking"
Facilitation involves taking people on a journey of discovery. There are lots of terms now for building on the positive, such as 'asset based', 'appreciative', etc.
Whatever approach is taken, building on the positive interns of discovering what is good and building on it is far more effective than being problem centre and looking for solutions.
Why is it effective? Because you already have a head start by investigating what is already working.
Also key to the appreciative approach is the creative aspect, encouraging participants to access the right side of our brains from where our imagination and emotions are driven. This complements the more analytical left cerebral hemisphere.
The use of creative mechanisms from drawing to building blocks can also create a holistic approach for people of different ages and from different backgrounds.
What can I offer?
- An approach that identifies what is good and how we best build on it, rather than just trying to fix problems.
- My experience as a trained facilitator that enable a whole system approach such as Appreciative Inquiry, World Cafe and Open Space.
- Clear business planning with goals that enable fund raising and delivery
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