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Learning and Development

"People forget how fast you did a job – but they remember how well you did it"

Evaluation needs to be more than what's tagged on to the end of a project, or what's required by funders. It is the basis for learning and development.

I make the most of creative mechanisms to enable people to look at an initiative from every side (what some call 360º evaluation).

Also central are the principles of the programme. According to Michael Quinn Patton principles help us adapt and navigate our way through the turbulence and uncertainties of programme - and there are always plenty of those.

In fact one of those principles is that a programme must be able to be evaluated. Learning and development needs to be built into its design.

What can I offer?

  • A principle focused approach that puts the core values of any organisation at the heart of development.
  • Creative mechanisms for engagement that is inclusive for people of all backgrounds, to capture their insights.
  • Clear presentation of findings in line with the needs of the clients (written, presentation, media).

Get in touch!